Elaina McMillen

Elaina McMillen's Fundraiser

Help Me Support Lilly and The GFPD image

Help Me Support Lilly and The GFPD

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

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$0 towards $1,000

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us for The Global Foundation for Peroxisomal

Many of you know I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl name Lilliann in March 2021. She was on the smaller side and did have some issues at birth, and after a lot of blood work I found out she has Zellwegers disease. I have never heard of this word in my life! I was hurt, scared, mad, and in love all at the same time. Hearing the words that my daughter probably wouldn't live past 6 months really broke my heart in two and all i could and still do is pray. But i did find this amazing group, and learned that they are trying to find a cure, and i have learned so many great things by the GFPD in helping me with my daughter as we grow. I was blessed as she is 14 months old and she is doing well at the moment, but many families are not that blessed and we need to get the word out to the world that we need help trying to find a cure as this can happen to any of us.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders